Thursday 25 April 2013

Prescription drug addiction because of GP?

Health Minister Condemns Doctors 

Health minister Anna Soubry has recently said that many GPs have caused patients to become addicted to prescription drugs through over-prescribing common medications such as tranquilisers and sleeping pills. The reliance on these drugs leaves people battling an addiction to prescription drugs. 
Prescription Drug Addiction

 The common use of antibiotics for the common cold is another type of "prescription abuse" that doctors are accused of. The long term use of anti depressants such as benzodiazepines are also starting to cause problems as this number is constantly on the rise. 

Prescription drug addiction is in fact one of the most dangerous types of addiction as patients are often psychologically incapable of recognising problems as they believe what they are taking is harmless. They think that if the doctor is giving it to them how could it possibly be bad for them?

Soubry believes that prescription drug abused has not received the right amount of publicity and it is time now that people started to realise the real dangers.  

"I think there have been some GPs who've simply not been following the guidelines from their own professional bodies," she told the BBC. "They have been overly-prescribing these drugs for year after year when they clearly should not be doing that."
"We can now see with the devolving of power down to local authorities to provide good drug treatment facilities to their communities, hopefully we can redress a great injustice that's been done over many years."
Just because a drug comes out of a packet or pill box from a pharmacist does not mean that it can be treated lightly. The things you need to look out for:
  • Anyone that have a habit of visiting pharmacies
  • Anyone experiences side effects from prescription drug
  • Anyone that become aggressive or defensive when confronted
  • Anyone that is secretive about taking their prescription drug
If you know someone that is experiencing one of the above get in touch with Rehab Recovery for free help and advice. 

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